
My name is Ruslan, I am from Ukraine and I am an expert in web development.

More than 14 years of experience delivering Drupal-based General Purpose solutions for different sectors such as Job Boards, Product Portfolios, Geo Coding, Real Estate Solutions, E-Commerce, Classifieds, Corporate, and online Magazines/Newspapers, big projects for Government and Education.


Focus RH

The goal was to migrate the client's existing site to Drupal, with the migration of content and relationships. It was also necessary to build a new theme using the PSD templates provided by the client. Moreover as part of the development site needed to implement the thematic catalogue and integrate it with an existing external API.
Studirama - Focus RH

My clients


Drupal: Introducing new "Update Manager Advanced" module

The example/result of "Update Manager Advanced" module

The "Update Manager Advanced" module modifies the Drupal "Available updates" email report to include the information normally shown at /admin/reports/updates/update, with links to the module updates and their release notes description.

Drupal 10: How update an alias programmatically using a value from the field

drupal - update an alias programmatically

When you use the "pathauto" module and want to make the node's URL depends on your custom field you can create a pattern using a token, however, what can you do if the field is boolean and you want to make a human path or you needed in the more complex pattern? You can implement it programmatically. I going to show how to fix it very quickly.