
Scroll To Top / Back To Top

Very often when developing or maintaining a site, clients ask me to create functionality in the footer that will scroll the page to the top. I know this can be done with the helpful and wonderful Back To Top module, but I am the person who tries to have as few enabled contrib modules as possible on the site and save time on support in case a new version of the module appears. In my short article, I will show how to make similar functionality in 5 minutes.

drupal - update an alias programmatically

When you use the "pathauto" module and want to make the node's URL depends on your custom field you can create a pattern using a token, however, what can you do if the field is boolean and you want to make a human path or you needed in the more complex pattern? You can implement it programmatically. I going to show how to fix it very quickly.

CSS & JS: Make Youtube responsive

You can make YouTube videos responsive with CSS. Wrap the iframe in a div with the class of "youtube-container" and apply the styles.

equalHeight DIV tweaks

A simple JavaScript code to equalise heights of multiple elements on a page. The basic idea is to measure all of their heights and then set all their heights to that of the tallest one.

Custom Publishing Options and Devel Generate

In my work, I often use this great module "Custom Publishing Options" together with "devel_generate" module for generating "Lorem Ipsum" content, however, "devel_generate" doesn't know anything about "custom_pub" and "custom_pub" always without values. In this tweak, I going to show how to fix it.