Autocomplete Address Form Using Google Map API
We are going to be building a basic address form and we are going to use the Google Maps and Places JavaScript APIs to autofill the form when the user types any address or postal code fields.
We are going to be building a basic address form and we are going to use the Google Maps and Places JavaScript APIs to autofill the form when the user types any address or postal code fields.
The Drupal console makes use of the Symfony console and other third-party components that automatically generate most of the code needed for the Drupal 8 module. In addition to this, the console allows you to interact with your Drupal project.
This helpful article shows how programmatically restricts an access to individual pages of a site without using heavy modules and using only one field and a few lines of the code.
While Replicating Nodes using Replicate and Replicate UI Module, I found that the module will publish a node immediately after replication. What I would like is when it is replicated the replicated (cloned) node opens in edit mode so that a content manager can make the necessary changes before publishing it.
Modal windows/dialog (AKA pop-ups) are great and provide a great experience for the end user - they allow for a quick display of content in an overlay without navigating to another page. Fortunately, it’s relatively straightforward to implement in Drupal 8.